Moira Food Share

fighting food insecurity.

About Us

Moira FoodShare provides emergency assistance through the distribution of free fresh and non-perishable food items to residents within the Moira and Berrigan Shires.

Food is sourced from local bakeries, supermarkets, growers and suppliers while using a mixture of free and paid goods from Foodbank Victoria. FareShare and other regional FoodShares to enhance variety and nutritional value.

The concurrent impacts of inflation, interest rates and Cost of living have placed significant impacts beyond normal household budgetary pressures and have contributed to a significant increase in residents’ Moira Foodshare supports. In the 2023-24 Financial Year, Moira FoodShare distributed the equivalent of over 200,000 kgs of food or 400,000 meals with a face value of more than 3 Million Dollars.

Expansion to meet demand has enabled Moira FoodShare to partner with local community groups creating distribution points in Cobram, Yarrawonga, Nathalia, Numurkah, Tungamah, Barmah, Finley and Berrigan.

MHA Care remains conscious of ensuring the program is run efficiently while balancing the growing operational costs and added demand pressures. The program continues to be overseen by one paid coordinator position (30 hours) and a team of over 50 engaged and passionate volunteers. 

MHA Care is proud of the impact the Moira FoodShare program has had in strengthening our local community. We see the program as an integral support pillar in supporting the most vulnerable residents into the future.

Our Locations

Accessing Food Share

We have a large network of Shopfronts and share tables in each town to ensure support is easy to access. There are no requirements to access Moira FoodShare for support.

Please note that due to growth in demand we can no longer cater for home deliveries.


116 Karook Street, Cobram

Open: Monday to Friday (10am - 12pm)

1 Hargraves Court, Yarrawonga

Open: Monday to Thursday (1pm-3pm)

Finley Showgrounds and Sporting Complex, Lot 187 Newell Highway, Finley NSW 

Open: Thursday (10.30am-11.30am)

13 Murray Avenue, Numurkah

99 Melville St, Numurkah

Open: Monday to Friday (9am-3pm)

17 Harcourt Street, Nathalia

Open: Wednesday (2pm-3pm)

Contact: Ian and Inara Fox

Phone: 0429 852 513

Contact: Ky-lee Adams

Phone: 0400 714 256

Contact: Deanne Einsporn

Phone: 0419 485 665

Share Tables

43 Punt Road, Cobram

Open: Monday to Friday (10am-3pm)

10 Waaia-Bearii Road, Waiaa

Open: 24/7

Cnr Argus & Middleton Street, Tungamah

Open: 24/7

We have a large network of Shopfronts and share tables in each town to ensure support is easy to access. There are no requirements to access Moira FoodShare for support.

Please note that due to growth in demand we can no longer cater for home deliveries.

Help Moira FoodShare

Donate Now

Right now, are experiencing more demand than ever before.

We have built a strong network of suppliers that are willing to support us with food at cost or below cost price. This means we can make the most of your generous donation.

A donation from as little as $10.00 a month can help us feed a local family for a week.

All donations are 100% tax deductible with MHA Care Limited registered for charity status.
We ask that when donating you share you share your email address with us so we can keep you updated on Moira FoodShare.

Contact Moira FoodShare